Printed Calendars in a Digital World
Are printed calendars still an effective form of advertising in a digital world?
See the statistics.
Run Time: 2:05 minutes
Advertising Success: Printed Calendars
What has strong recall, has low cost per impression and generates a favorable impression?.
A printed calendar!
Run Time: 2:21 minutes
Promotional Products in the Kitchen
As the heart of a home, the kitchen is the number one place people use and keep their promotional products..
Run Time: 1:23 minutes
Promotional Products in the Office
Whether it's at work, at home or on the road promotional products are there filling the need for office essentials - and keeping your image visible.
Run Time: 1:30 minutes
The Power of the Pen
Usability, price, and product retention make promotional writing instruments the perfect messaging tool. Advertising power in a small package.
Run Time: 1:34 minutes
Promotional Product Response
Advertising reach and recall are critical to any marketing strategy - but it's reaction to the advertising medium that creates customers. How do promotional products measure up to other media?
Run Time: 2:06 minutes